The influencer marketing blog | Beatly

How to write the perfect influencer brief

Written by Isabelle Ljungqvist | May 4, 2020 5:39:57 AM

After a few thousands of collaborations, we have learned a lot about how to write the perfect influencer brief. There are some central parts that should be included to make the proposal clear, and optimize the chances of getting a “yes”. Let us guide you through the different steps of writing a great brief!


Say hi, and briefly tell the influencer about your company and how come you’re contacting the influencer.  

About your brand

Who are you, and who’s your target group? You just need a short presentation, give them a read more-link if you want to, but don’t let them get stuck in a lot of text.

The collaboration

  1. The goal: Tell the influencer about the goal of the campaign, do you want to drive sales or app downloads? Or do you want to build brand awareness, or get user-generated content to use for your companies social media? Let the influencer know, that makes it easier for them to get aligned with the goal and make sure they create a post perfect for that goal.
  2. Message: Share info about the message of the collaboration, and if there will be a contest, an offer for the influencer’s followers, or what you want them to say. Specify if there is any specific USP that you want them to focus on.
  3. How to receive products: How will the influencer receive the products that they need in the campaign? Also, keep in mind to tell them about their obligation to pay taxes for the products that they get in the collaboration.
  4. Repost content or make paid ads of their content: If you want to use the content they create, let them know in what way. Generally, they don't mind having the content reposted, but if you want to make paid ads or use their content in newsletters or on your website that’s something you might have to pay extra for, and have written in the brief that they agree on.



  • Give the influencer clear guidelines like the ones below: 
  • What time period you want them to post
  • What channels you want them to post in
  • Where to link (and should the link be in bio, in stories, in both?) 
  • How long they need to keep the post (if they want to delete it in the future)
  • Other collabs, maybe you don’t want them to post other collabs in 24h?
  • What hashtags to use
  • Do you need them to send you a draft, or can they just go ahead and post?
  • Should they mark the collaboration with “In collaboration with @yourbrand” or do you want them to use branded content. Really important that the collaboration is marked and is following the local laws of how to mark a paid collaboration.

Make sure to give the influencers guidelines, but still lots of freedom to create content that will be genuine in their channels. They are the creative experts, and know their followers and what they like, so let them do what they do best and create magic for you and your brand!

Create your project in Connect by clicking here: link

Good luck with the collaboration!🌟